How to Layer Clothes for Fashion

Release time:2013-04-08      Source:admin      Reads:
When you layer clothes, you can also be prepared for inclement weather and still look stylish. Layered clothing which sewing fabric labels can be removed or added as the weather cools or warms during the day or evening. Fashion-conscious men and women want to look stylish and be comfortable at the same time. The ultimate fashion statement can be achieved by layering the right pieces of clothing.

Build a foundation. Whether you are a man or a woman, the most important part of getting dressed is having the right undergarments which attached fabric labels. Women should choose smooth underwear that will not show any lines. Men should wear smooth and comfortable underwear along with a body-skimming tank top or "V"-neck T-shirt. In general, men should stay away from crew-neck T-shirts as a base layer. Crew-neck T-shirts show through layered clothing.

Find a close-fitting tank top or T-shirt if you are a woman. Tank tops are the right choice for dressy layered looks, while T-shirts make a more casual fashion statement. Men should choose a slightly loose polo or golf shirt for a casual look. A button-up, long-sleeved shirt is appropriate for dressier looks.
Pick out a middle layer. This layer should be slightly thicker than a T-shirt or button-up shirt. Thin cardigans or pullover sweaters which sewing fabric labels made out of merino wool, silk knit or thin cotton weaves work well for both men and women. Cotton weave is a good choice for casual fashion, while silk and merino wool have a dressier appearance.

Choose the right outerwear for the weather. The last layer is the layer that will protect you the most from the elements. If it is raining or snowing outside, this layer should be waterproof. If you need a dressier look, a gabardine jacket or trench coat works in cool and mild weather. Heavy wool coats are the right choice for cold, winter weather. In the spring and summer months, a cotton twill jacket or blazer is the perfect choice for your last layer.Add accessories. Women can wear chunky necklaces that will complete the layered look and make it into a fashion statement. Men can add a wool scarf on cold days or stick with a simple pair of sunglasses in warm months.

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