Assorted hangtags

Release time:2013-02-28      Source:admin      Reads:

Hangtags are as unique as your company! We’ve manufactured tags made from every type of paper imaginable and some unimaginable. We’ve made tags out of cork, we’ve made tags out of plastic, we’ve made tags that are stickers and we’ve made tags that unfold into posters. Let your imagination run wild and let us bring your dreams to reality

We use the pantone matching system (PMS) to print any color of hangtagsyou can dream of. We are able to match your art to create or reinforce the brand identity you have established for your product. Our only color limitation is your imagination! We can print up to six colors on a single hangtag.

Despite the superior product we offer, our pricing is among the lowest in the industry. Our advanced technology allows us to be competitive both for the small orders and the longer run orders. We can give you a quote on hangtags two different ways.

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