Unique Hang Tags

Release time:2013-02-28      Source:admin      Reads:

Displaying your products at retail outlets is an exciting but demanding experience. The product display must be nearly perfect in order to entice customers to buy. A unique hang tag will attract more attention than a generic-looking one. Sinicline gives you quality hang tag printing at a low price.

The following design and printing tips should help you achieve success in creating unique hang tags for your business.

Focus on product size in relation to the hang tag size. Consider selecting a larger hang tag size if the product is larger.

You can upload a print-ready hang tag design to Sinicline. We accept many popular graphic design file types such as PDF, AI, and TIFF. If nobody in your company has enough graphic design skill and you want to create unique hang tags, click the “custom design” button on Sinicline’s website. Our team of talented graphic artists will create a unique hang tag design for you.

Avoid clutter if you are handling the design aspects. An overly cluttered hang tag design will look unprofessional. Design enough white-space (area without design) so that the text and graphics are in proper balance.

Pay attention to contrast. Dark-colored text on a dark background won’t be readable enough. Light-colored text on a light background is also a bad idea.

Use high-resolution images for unique hang tag printing. Sinicline recommends a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch). Lower resolutions may appear to be good quality on your computer screen, but the printed result will be blurry or pixilated. Use caution when adapting images found online because they are typically low resolution. To check the DPI of a graphics file, open it in your favorite graphic design program and view the file details.

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