Personalized printed labels

Release time:2013-02-28      Source:admin      Reads:

Whether you produce, hand-knit or sell clothing or crafts, creating your own personal printed labels is the best way to inexpensively advertise. There are many varieties of labels to suit every need, and our company sinicline can meet all your demands.

A piece of printed label is a piece cloth or other material affixed to an article of clothing, apparel or household item for the purpose of product or brand identification, advertising, and other communication.Printed labels can be sewn on, ironed on, or even manufactured with a peel and stick backing. These labels can be attached to virtually any fabric, ranging from silk to leather and everything in between.

Printed Labels are most commonly used as clothing tags, which are sewn into seams, the back of collars or into hems. These tags commonly contain two things: your company’s logo/branding information as well as necessary information about the garment itself. This necessary information most often contains the size of the garment (ex. S, XL, 12) as well as care information (ex. machine wash cold, dry clean only, ect). Most clothing tags also display the type of fabric the garment is made from (ex. 95% cotton, 5% spandex), as well as where the garment was made (ex. Made in the USA).

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